• HotLine

    Director: Mrs. Nguyễn Thị Hường - Mobile Phone: (+84) 912.598.808
    Import supporting: Mr. Nguyễn Ngọc Tuấn - Mobile Phone: (+84) 908.664.866
    Export & Ship agent supporting: Mr. Hoàng Đức Tri - Mobile Phone: (+84) 907.669.125

  • CFS & Bonded Warehouse

  • SOUTHLOG sets up a simple and effective procedure for monitoring and putting cargo in/out warehouse. Clients can save a lot of time when their cargo are put in/out our warehouse. With well-using barcode scanner and professional management software by our dedicated staff, it makes to manage and control cargo in/out warehouse effectively. All necessary reports are updated and delivered to our Clients quickly and exactly.

    Cargo are sorted logically in warehouse. Each cargo pallet are sticked pallet sheets with enough necessary information on cargo details for its booking and shipment. All data of cargo, booking, shipment are recorded in management software that make convenient to look for as well as to streamline loading cargo.We have weekly plan to check cargo status and its quantity in warehouse to compare the actual cargo quantity in warehouse and data on report. In case there is any differences, it will be updated and solved promptly.

    SOUTHLOG incessantly improves the quality to meet each of special demands for CFS and bonded warehouse.

Support Online

Mrs Nguyen Thi Huong - (84.8) 38 205 612

Mr Nguyen Truong Bao Duy - (84.8) 38 205 612